
Lovers of different faith

If a man's religion is keeping him from dating or marrying you, it might seem impossible to change his mind. You can't ask him to change who he is or how he feels. Understanding, respect, and a little womanly charm can help you find love despite the odds. One of the biggest challenges of trying to date or marry a man who is from a different religion is fitting in with his family, and getting your own to accept him. Parents who have strong religious beliefs will not be easily swayed into accepting the couple, even if they are very much in love. Some families may disown a man or a woman if they fall in love with someone of a different faith. With this in mind, it is important to know just what you have to overcome. But it is just as important to stay confident, and loving. It will be much harder for a family to turn you down if you are friendly, and make an effort to seem like a welcome addition to the family. You can help your man's mother go grocery shopping, or offe...

Should you ask men out?

I have an issue with this. For starters if I ask a man out, how will I ever know if he was really interested in me to start with? I won't. It just doesn't feel right to me. I mean, I still remember how exciting it is to have a guy you really like actually ask you out. Wow, what a high that is. "> Another thing, has the general make up of men changed all that much just because it is 2011? Don't they still have that hunter instinct, that thrill for the chase? Has that really disappeared? I mean isn't our job to entice them, lure them and have them ask us out? I think so. Call me old fashioned, call me hard headed, but hell would freeze over before I ask men out. Let's say I am in a club somewhere. I see a man across the bar. It seems so much more appealing to me to have him approach me first. If I get up, walk across the bar, doesn't that make me look desperate, doesn't that show me in an unfavorable light? The light of the pursuer. " titl...

How to cope with sexual temptation

We live in a society where sexual temptation has become so rampant among youths and adults alike. An upsurge in sexually transmitted diseases like Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Herpes can be attributed to sexual promiscuity in our modern society. The rate of spread of these diseases has become so alarming, that the World Health Organization has consistently tried to enlighten the general public about the inherent danger in having un-protected sex with different partners. Below are some suggestions on how to avoid sexual temptation: Say No to every form of enticement The temptation to have a fling will always be knocking at the door daily, but if one can say No to every enticement, it will definitely put a stop to such temptations. The ability to say No does not come cheaply, as it requires a lot of discipline and boldness to implement. It begins from the mindset of the individual and it eventually spills out in form of a decision to do...

Learn how to seduce your man by appealing to his five senses

You might not think you need to learn how to seduce your husband especially if he's only just put a ring on it and marched you down the aisle. However as your marriage matures seduction will become just as important as when you were dating. It's actually a vital tool to keep your relationship healthy and strong and it's the constant gestures of love and lust that will continue to make you feel both needed and desired Of course when you were dating hot seduction was all about passion and lust, but when it comes to seducing your husband, you will need to use clever tactics to avoid monotony and keep the spark alive. This can at times seem like quite the task when you're wondering what you can do next that would be different to the last few times. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or uninspired, focus on appealing to one of his five sense. Sexually seducing a man doesn't have to be a big fan fare all of the time, so just pick one, whether it's smell or touch and t...

How to survive a long distance relationship (LDR)


Just kiss me through the phone

Can long distance relationships work, maybe, even relationships in different countries? There have been many films that have looked at the realms of long distance relationships, the strain it can have in terms of trust and fidelity as well as keeping the relationship exciting and keeping in touch with each other's lives. Drew Barrymore's latest film 'Going the Distance', in which she has a long distance relationship with Justin Long demonstrates how hard a relationship can be when in this instance living the other side of the country, and all the different problems that can pose. Drew's character lives in San Francisco and her man lives in New York, they only see each other for six weeks, when Barrymore's character (Erin) visits, but she has to return to work back in California and they can maybe see each other once every two months or so, and other than that their relationship continues over the phone and via emails. I won't inform you of ...

Learn Easy Conversation Starters When Trying to Meet Women.wmv
